Preparation of SDS
We prepare Turkish Safety Data Sheets (SDS, MSDS) in accordance with Annex-2 provisions of KKDİK regulation numbered 30105. We can prepare Safety Data Sheets in 30 different languages with our Chemical Assessment Expert team who have thousands of SDS preparation experience. Your Safety Data Sheets are prepared in accordance with the most up-to-date version of the countries' own SDS preparation regulations and standards.
According to Annex-2 of KKDİK, it is mandatory to prepare an SDS (SDS, MSDS) and make it available to downstream users free of charge under the following conditions.
If the substance or mixture is classified as harmful according to the criteria of regulation 28848 SEA,
If a chemical substance is included in Annex 14 (substances for which a permit from the Ministry is required for use) of the KKDİK regulation or is on the candidate list to be added to Annex 14.
If a chemical substance meets the criteria of PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) and/or vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative) according to Annex-13 criteria of the KKDİK regulation,
The supplier shall provide the recipient at his request with a safety data sheet free of charge, where a mixture does not meet the criteria for classification as hazardous in accordance with SEA Regulation numbered 28848 (there are no H statements in the final classification), but contains:
in an individual concentration of ≥ 1 % by weight for non-gaseous mixtures and ≥ 0,2 % by volume for gaseous mixtures at least one substance posing human health or environmental hazards,
a substance for which there are Community workplace exposure limits,
in an individual concentration of ≥ 0,1 % by weight for non-gaseous mixtures of at least one substance that is,
Toxic to reproduction category 1A, 1B (H360), carcinogenic category 2 (H351)
Respiratory sensitiser category 1, 1A, 1B (H334),
Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex 13,
Listed in Annex 14 of KKDIK Regulation (list of substances subject to authorization) or Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation.
We have been authoring the Turkish Safety Data Sheet (SDS, (M)SDS) compatible with Annex 2 of KKDİK Regulation numbered with 30105. We can author Safety Data Sheets in 30 different languages with our chemical assessment specialist team which has experience in authoring thousands of SDSs. SDSs are authored and compatible with the most current version of the SDS Regulations and standards of each country.
Authoring Safety Data Sheets in 30 different languages for your substance (acetone, xylene, ethyl alcohol, etc.) or mixtures,
Authoring Safety Data Sheets for your mixtures over exact formulation,
Authoring Safety Data Sheets in Turkish compatible with Turkey Regulation based on reference SDSs in different languages,
Authoring Safety Data Sheets for different countries from Turkish SDSs,
To correct SDSs prepared with mistakes previously,
To update SDSs prepared before according to current legislation,
To review your SDSs in terms of compliance with legislation, checking processes,
To certificate your current Turkish SDSs by our chemical assessment specialists,
To upload your SDSs to the Ministry website on behalf of your company,
To make the database of your SDS software compatible with the SDS Regulation of Turkey.
The languages in which we can prepare Customs Declarations and Invoices (GBF) are listed below:
2.English (EU or US format)
7.Danish (Denmark)
9.Estonian (Estonia)
11.Dutch (Netherlands)
17. Icelandic
18. Japanese
19. Latvian (Latvia)
20. Hungarian
21. Norwegian
22. Polish
23. Lithuanian (Lithuania)
24. Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil)
25. Romanian
26. Russian
27. Serbian
28. Slovak
29. Slovenian (Slovenia)
30. Greek